02 Sep

The BSA "Triple T" offers a new quality-based process to help improve the quality of  candidates while selecting the best ones. The BSA "Triple T" process includes:

  • Targeted Recruitment
  • Talent Development
  • Transfer of Knowledge  

Targeted Recruitment 

BSA has a modernized recruitment platform that connects us with students and alumni from over 500 Universities around the U.S including all Minority Serving Institutions (HBCU, HSI, TCU, Asian American, Pacific Islanders) and disability communities.

To recruit a magnitude of candidates this process offers the following benefits:

  • Targets hard-to-find diverse candidates, even in remote areas.
  • Attracts a large number of candidates which provides more intern options.  
  • Interviews and screens candidates in a consistent, structured, and unbiased manner. 

BSA has three existing Minority Intern College Recruitment federal contracts.  BSA will leverage those existing relationships and processes for the benefit of the Federal Government.   BSA has been in the recruiting business for 27 years and has made a long-term commitment to providing these services to Federal agencies.

In an effort to eliminate wasting time staffing the wrong people and having to terminate employees for absenteeism, tardiness, or performance issues, BSA initially developed “The Right People, Every time – Guaranteed”. This process is a proprietary and proven interpersonal behavioral, technical, and background screening system that we call the “Tri-Screen Process.”

Talent Development

BSA supplements their talents with a structured personality assessment (e.g DiSC) which is valued at $150 per person and provided free of charge to our interns.  BSA uses one of the most accurate, widely used behavioral interviewing systems for assessing talent in the world.  The Behavior Assessment Tool – (DiSC) is comprised of four different personality traits:  Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C) to increase successful placements.

It provides a consistent, structured approach to behavioral interviewing and driving forces, which reduces unconscious bias and improves the ability to choose the candidate that is the best fit for all aspects of the job. The value of the DiSC assessment is to help improve better teamwork and teach productive conflict. The DiSC helps with optimizing work assignments and employment matches.

Transfer of Knowledge

Our assessment and training process increases the transfer of knowledge, skills, and best practices between co-workers in any workforce situation. BSA selects the best students with an emphasis on teamwork and interpersonal communication. Our process allows sharing and disseminating knowledge and providing inputs to problem-solving.

BSA will provide diverse candidates who have the best skills such as problem-solving, teamwork and communication. BSA also uses the "testimonials" of current interns to help future interns obtain insight on how the contributions made a difference and added value to the organizations where support was provided.

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